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Selena Gomez comes out of rehab? Treatment x emotional problems

Saturday, November 10, 2018

| Khabar Site

It was reported that Selena Gomez has already left rehab after completing a treatment for her some serious emotional problems.

The funny thing? Funny "curious" (for the offended) is that TMZ reported the news and deleted it (if you enter the link leads to another news) they reported "Selena Gomez outside the Psychiatric Center, after treatment for emotional crisis." The same happened with E! News, "Selena Gomez comes out of rehab: Here is what's going on for the singer" - by going to the link the page gives an error.

So, after seeing this "curiosity", I started looking for if another page took the news and yep, Popsugar says that according to E! Selena completed her treatment due to emotional problems. The 26-year-old singer "left her treatment in NYC" and is "much better."

It was said that she feels "renewed and in a better place". Selena apparently "will be regularly checking in with a professional as she continues her battle" and "she wants to be quiet for a while and is not ready to go to work."

Selena Gomez entered rehabilitation for anxiety and depression in October, after suffering what witnesses called an emotional crisis. Previously she had said that she was leaving social networks . It was reported that "supposedly" finding out that Justin Bieber had married Hailey Baldwin affected him immensely . Well ... who knows? But we had seen something like that before ..?

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